If you're experiencing discomfort or persistent pain in your tooth, root canal therapy can provide the relief you need. Our skilled team of dental professionals here at Village Dental Checkup specializes in performing root canal treatments to address a variety of dental issues. Whether you have a deep cavity, an infected tooth, or a dental abscess, our root canal therapy can effectively restore your oral health and alleviate your pain.
*New patients only. Not valid with use of insurance. Not valid in cases of periodontal disease.
We are currently welcoming new patients with a special offer! The Maycer Dental team invites you into our practice with our $185 first appointment special! For just one affordable price, you’ll receive all the preventive care you need to get started with us and maintain lifelong oral health. No matter your needs, we've got something for you. Our team can’t wait to meet you and your smile soon!
*X-rays/surgical guide not included. Must be paid in full.
Root canals are a type of endodontic treatment for tooth decay that removes infected pulp from the pulp cavity located at the core of the teeth. Cavity-causing bacteria on the surface of the teeth erode the enamel and eventually spread to the pulp, specifically the nerve fibers causing excruciating pain. A root canal removes the infected pulp to stop the bacterial infection and alleviate the pain completely.
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We offer anterior root canals to treat dental decay on your anterior teeth, like the molars and canines. Our dentist will ensure a fast, seamless, and painless procedure to ensure your front teeth are entirely free of bacteria and tooth decay.
We also offer posterior root canals for the teeth located at the back of the mouth, specifically the molars and premolars. Posterior root canals tend to be complicated, but our dentists guarantee comfort and safety throughout the procedure and will get rid of your tooth decay.
The dentist will first determine whether you qualify for a root canal before proceeding with the treatment. They will check your teeth and gums for signs of bacterial infection and dental decay. They’ll also take -rays of your teeth to determine the extent of the dental decay before administering local anesthetic near the affected teeth to numb the area.
Removing the infected pulp forms the core of the root canal treatment. However, dentists will first use a drill to create an access hole on the upper surface of the affected tooth. This hole allows the dentist to access the pulp cavity and scoop out the inflamed pulp in the pulp chamber and root canals.
After removing the infected pulp, the dentist will spray an anti-microbial spray into the access hole and disinfect the pulp chamber. Doing so eliminates any remaining bacteria to eliminate tooth decay completely. Once irrigated, the dentist will fill the canal with gutta-percha, a rubber-like material, then seal the access hole with dental cement.
Dentists may recommend dental crowns for teeth with severe tooth decay. The crown restores the tooth’s structure, giving it strength to bite and chew without fracturing. The dentist might prescribe OTC painkillers after the procedure to manage pain and sensitivity. They’ll also give you instructions on how to care for the affected teeth until recovery.
Yes, you should get a root canal once you notice signs of decay around your teeth; even if your teeth don’t hurt. That’s because the decay will eventually spread and lead to intense pain down the road. Addressing the issue earlier works for the best.
No, root canals are painless and don’t hurt at all. That’s because the dentist will administer local anesthetic to numb the affected teeth and surrounding regions.